Tác giả :
Cơ hội học trao đổi tại Thái Lan. Nhà trường hỗ trợ 5 triệu/ 1sinh viên.
Đây là thông tin về chương trìnhform đăng ký.

Rajamangala University og Technology Lanna is delighted to inform you that we are organizing the Surveying Camp 2019. The camp will be held from 21 - 30 October, 2019 at Rajamangala Universiy of Technology Lanna, Lampang, Thailand.

 We would like to invite your student from your institute to participate in this camp. The objective of this camp is to support a surveying practice regarding Topography mapping skills. We hope that our camp will motivate and inspire young ASEAN engineers as well as generate good collaboration between our institute. The camp will also allow the participants to solve problems in various contexts, a knowledge which can be transferable to other fields. 

 The fee for the camp is 7,000 baht which will cover local transportation, accommodation and meals. Students must purchase insurance covering the length of their stay.

 Attached is the detail of the program and the application form.

 Please submit or send us the form before 30 September, 2019.

 Delegates who wish to join the camp should arrive at Chiang Mai (RMUTL) on 20 October, 2019.

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RadEditor - HTML WYSIWYG Editor. MS Word-like content editing experience thanks to a rich set of formatting tools, dropdowns, dialogs, system modules and built-in spell-check.
RadEditor's components - toolbar, content area, modes and modules
Toolbar's wrapper  
Content area wrapper
RadEditor's bottom area: Design, Html and Preview modes, Statistics module and resize handle.
It contains RadEditor's Modes/views (HTML, Design and Preview), Statistics and Resizer
Editor Mode buttonsStatistics moduleEditor resizer
RadEditor's Modules - special tools used to provide extra information such as Tag Inspector, Real Time HTML Viewer, Tag Properties and other.

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